The Mission and Welfare Society – India* mission effort in Rajahmundry and surrounding areas (3.5 million people) is accomplished under the direction of Dr. K. Syam Kumar, a medical doctor, surgeon, and minister. The primary goals of the Society are to provide “free” medical care for the poor and destitute people, plant churches, provide for the needs of orphans, and help to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS in India.
The free Mission Hospital, founded in May 1998, is a 3-story, 70-bed hospital located in the city of Rajahmundry. Two satellite Medical Clinics provide health care for people living in outlying villages. In addition, free Medical Camps are conducted once a week in poor and impoverished villages. Click here to obtain more information on the medical work of the hospital.
PLANTING CHURCHES: Over the past five years, more than 750 churches have been established in the Rajahmundry area. Most of these churches are located in villages and are administered by 150 ministers who live in Rajahmundry and the surrounding area. The goal for each minister is to establish at least one new church a year.
Little Lambs International is an organization under the Mission and Welfare Society – India. Their goal is to establish orphanages in as many countries as possible. Their first orphanage, housing 102 children, was established in Rajahmundry in 2006. As requested gy the Indian Government, all of the children were orphaned as a result of AIDS.
The Mission and Welfare Society – India embarked on an HIV/AIDS program in 2004 to disseminate information on this disease. A booklet, titled Follow Jesus, Prevent AIDS (subtitled: The biblical basis for sexual abstinence to avoid AIDS) was prepared for distribution. The HIV/AIDS story is given to the people through seminars in churches, schools, colleges, local gatherings, etc. In addition, the booklet is distributed on streets and in homes. About 3.6 million copies have been distributed, and it is estimated that the message has been read or heard by up to 40 million people. For more information on this HIV/AIDS ministry in India and in other countries of the world, click here.
* The Mission and Welfare Society – India is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt foundation.
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