The work in Kapileswarapuram and surrounding areas is under the direction of Pastor K. Yesuratnam, who has 50 churches under his jurisdiction. These churches are located in several districts of A.P. and in Telugu-speaking people in Orissa State. He has 18 pastors assisting him in this ministry. Many of the pastors, including Pastor K, are responsible for more than one church congregation.
In 1999, Pastor Yesuratnam built a Children’s Home for orphans and destitute children. This home, located in the same compound as Pastor K’s home church, houses around 50 children. The children who live here are from various villages in the surrounding areas. Pastor K’s wife, Ruth, is very involved with the children at the ALC Home. She is an integral part of the ministry to the children. For more information on this children’s home, click here.
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